On Obsession, Autonomy and Authenticity: Benjamin Murphy in Conversation with Billy Childish
Billy Childish is an artist who is as prolific in painting as he is in poetry, prose, and music, all of which coalesce to form a coherent...

What About The Art? Cai Guo-Qiang on Shifting the Focus From the Market to the Artist
Art Basel’s definitive sales report noted one of the highest reported prices saw an asking price of $15 million. Elsewhere, prints by...

Ego and the Effigy: The Mutilation of Pop Culture
Reality or hyperreality? James Ostrer’s semi-permanent sculptures question the culture that we live in, obsessed with celebrities and...

9 Artists to Look Out For This Season
On the heels of the turning point into the core of a New Year - as major art fairs, exhibitions and biennales are set to launch, we...