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AFTER NYNE SPOTLIGHTS: Sue Roche...An Alternative View

Inspired by new places and working intuitively, Sue explores the magical juxtaposition of elements which culminate in the exhilaration of the captured photographic image.

Specialising in quirky and unique images of landscapes, people and architecture, she uses the effects of light and movement to capture alternative perspectives.

Beginnings ...“I started out in the Adult Education dark room, learning to process negatives and hand-print in black and white. Then I fell for dark-room colour printing … it was such a labour of love.

Juxtapositions ...“My eye is taken to the unusual, a breath of fresh air from the mundane. I see juxtapositions that make the viewer question, take a second look and smile. I know when it looks 'right'.”


“A photographer with cheeky little eyeballs.”

Zoe Whishaw, Commercial Photography Consultant for Getty Images & Magnum Photos

I feel that people relate to my photographs because they have been to the places that I've visited, or they are interested in the things that I'm interested in such as travel, music, dancing, the beauty of flowers, trees and graphic landscapes scenes.

I capture and frame images that perhaps others would not see.


I've always liked the impressionist paintings. 'ICM' (intentional camera movement) can capture that style in the camera.

I recently visited an indoor market in Madrid where the locals come together monthly for Salsa Dancing.

I began to experiment with the camera using a slow shutter speed and striving for a high key effect.

The images subtly suggest the dancers and their body movement, the rhythm of the basic steps, the turns, their energy and emotion.”

Galleries ...

“I enjoy working in galleries where you can see first-hand the viewer’s reaction to your work. To think that someone wakes up every morning and smiles at an image that I captured is amazing!

I've been exhibiting at the award-winning art gallery, The Art Shed in The Medicine Garden, Cobham for 3 years now. The continuity of exhibiting in the same gallery permanently gives you the chance to experiment.”

“Clients love the finish of my photographs printed directly onto aluminium.”

Exhibitions ...

Sue's work features in collections in the USA, Australia and Europe, including the Royal Photographic Society Visual Arts Group touring Exhibition culminating at The Edinburgh International Festival in August, 2016.

Her work was selected for various exhibitions in London during 2015 including exhibiting alongside Grayson Perry at the Art in Mind charity exhibition at The Oxo Gallery and The London Independent Photographers 27th Annual Exhibition at The Embassy Tea Gallery.


“I am keen to champion photography in areas where it is less well represented and recently curated an exhibition at The New Ashgate Gallery in Farnham, Surrey, to celebrate the gallery's 50th year. This was the gallery's first sole photographic exhibition.”

New directions/Collaborations

“Recently I've been invited to join The Rooftop Collective, a group of 8-10 photographers who challenge one another in mutual pursuit of ongoing creative and professional development.”

The Collective exhibition, 'Edition Five' will take place at the Clerkenwell Gallery, London from 23-30 October 2016.

“Could 2017 possibly see an exhibition with a Portuguese painter & a fellow UK photographer in Lisbon? Watch this space!”

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