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BUSINESS OF ART: A Whole New Way to Encounter Rising Art with Art Attack

ArtAttack is a mobile art marketplace and social network that gives artists and art-lovers the ability to view, buy and sell artwork. By focusing on emerging artists, specifically from the UK’s leading art schools, ArtAttack is able to provide an open, but navigable, platform which does not compromise on quality. Its open nature provides an immediate and seamless way for young artists to document, price and sell their work.

After Nyne met with Art Attack co-founder India Irving to talk about this exciting app and their new crowdfunding initiative.

India, take us back to the evolution of ArtAttack. What made you want to set up this service?

I studied theatre at university and something I noticed quite soon after graduating is that, little by little, even my most talented colleagues began to pursue more traditional careers, frustrated by the lack of opportunities they were getting. As everyone who has tried knows, 'making it' in the arts is not merely about skill; there is such a strong element of having to be in the right place at the right time, seen by the right people. I wanted to create a platform that could facilitate this process, bringing the various individuals necessary to help launch an emerging artist's career to one place. And that's how ArtAttack was born.

Tell us about your career journey so far. Have you always been involved in the arts?

Yes, always. As mentioned I started in performing arts and transitioning to the visual felt very natural, especially considering how much time I've always spent in museums and galleries.

Tell us about the team behind the app.

There are 4 of us who make up the main team. Myself, Alex Lebus who heads business development and operations, Sam Senchal who does the finance side and our brilliant CTO, Francis Beasley. We also have a truly incredible team of interns we have worked with on and off throughout ArtAttack'a journey who I will name because they really are part of the soul of the company - Olivia Bladen, Harry Dougall and Charlotte Harley.

In your opinion, what is the biggest obstacle facing arts graduates and rising artists today?

I would have to say exposure. And not just exposure to anyone, but exposure to the right people. That of course includes galleries and collectors, but also fellow artists and art lovers. In my experience, I've found the bigger the sense of positive community an artist has, the better.

How does ArtAttack address this? What are the advantages for artists in signing up to ArtAttack?

At ArtAttack we address the problem of artist exposure with a necessary contemporary twist. Not only do we give artists the opportunity to show work at physical exhibitions that we put on quarterly, but we also give them the perfect art-centric platform on which to create their online brand.

This digital aspect is key because it allows artists to connect with one another as well as of course with galleries and collectors on a global scale. We currently have users in 43 countries and we're just getting started! This worldwide community gives artists endless reach and hence can offer more opportunities.

ArtAttack is also free to use so there really is no down side.

Which artists are you currently championing?

We work mostly with emerging artists as they are our true passion. I of course can't name them all (please head to the app for that!) but a few we are especially excited about are Massimo Agostinelli, Paris Ackrill, Samin Ahmadzadeh, Jadé Fadojutimi and Jake Lamerton. And to anyone I missed, you know we adore we too!

What current initiatives are you running?

Currently we are crowdfunding on Crowdcube, looking to raise our SEIS round to improve app functionality and support a few marketing initiatives.

Simultaneously, submissions just closed for our 2016 Winter Exhibition which will take place at London's the Crypt Gallery from 27th November. This should be a really exciting show as the theme is 'Best of Graduate Artists.'

What does 2017 hold for ArtAttack? What are your goals?

I could write a book, but mainly the goal is to take the app to the next level so artists can get the most out of it. Some of the exciting key features we will introduce in the new year include video studio tours, personal curatorial services for collectors and really fantastic search functionality.

It's important to note that above being a marketplace, ArtAttack is a digital community, a social network for the art world, so the more we harness the power of the social network for our users, the better.

What’s your advice for art entrepreneurs out there?

Don't give up. I know that sounds supremely cliché, but running a startup, you really have great days and terrible days. On the terrible days, you will probably feel like giving up - don't! If you believe in your idea, do not let it go. You may have to find a new path or a new strategy to keep it going, but keep the end goal in mind and insist on making it happen.

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